Interactive Product Data Sheet Concept
Product Data Sheet. Concept introduces a new visual communication system that could easily be adopted by all the product and services lines, through the use of colored bars coinciding with both services and products and tag iconography.
Click image to enlarge.
I was asked to explore a product data sheet concept for Continuum, a Boston-based innovation and design consultancy that innovates with their clients to bring about change and growth for their businesses, products, and services.
The concept is based on an actual product Continuum developed and uses content from their web site. The product is iluminage—the first FDA-approved in-home laser beauty care treatment device to treat wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
By infusing marketing sensibilities, I designed a layout concept for print and digital that provided infographical structure to the document. The print version contains a call-out quote from the product's creator while the digital version replaces it with an embedded video for a richer experience.
The visual communication system for this particular product/service line—which could easily be expanded across all of the firm's lines— would create a larger consistent eco-system of collateral.
A sidebar provides opportunity provides cross-promotion of other Continuum work (viewable by hyperlink to the firm's website); tag iconography to highlight the skill and expertise that brought this product to market; and boilerplate information about Continuum.
Roles: Design, identity, illustration, video, interactive
Visual Overview
Click on the panel images to enlarge.